Saturday, July 25, 2009

Women in the news

A good link to an article reminding us to look for women listed in all the pages of the newspaper, besides just the obits, showed up on Eastman's site this morning. You can find the article here

I've found women listed in relation to church activities a few times and it really helps considering you may not know what church/denomination to which they belonged. So hearing about how someone was holding a tea for the Ladies Aid Association for a particular Methodist Church can be a good thing to know. Plus, it could give you a clue about where they lived since you could probably guess that if they attended that particular church, they must live close enough to be able to get there. Plus you have marriage announcements that could give maiden names and even engagement announcements, especially later on. So it's a good tip that I think some may overlook in favor of just obits when there is a lot more that can be found in the other pages of the paper. Definitely a good article for jogging the memory. There are also some good links to newspaper projects in a few states.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip, I was looking for my g-g-grandma and kept finding her in an advertisment for back pain pills.

